You will see a lot of verbs that start with M. As we know, verbs are the most vital part of English grammar , and there is complete list of verbs that start with A, B, C, D, E, f, G, H, I, J ,…. and end with S , T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. You can’t complete any sentence where there is action without the use of a verb. If there is no use of the verb in the sentence, then you can’t identify the actions.
Therefore, I have explored a list of 400+ verbs that start with M. You can check them one by one below.
Verbs That Start With Ma Mabble Man Mart Macadamize Manacle Martialize Macarize Manage Martyr Machinate Emancipate Martyrize Machine Manducate Marvel Mad Maneuver Calculate Madden Mangle Mash Modify Manganese Mask Magazine Manifest Masker Magnetize Manifold Mason Magnificate Manipulate Masquerade Magnify Manoeuvre Mass Mahometan Mantle Massage Maiden Manufacture Mast Mail Minimise Master Maim Manumit Mastermind Mainprise Manure Masthead Maintain Map Masticate Make Mar Mat Malax Marbleize Match Malaxate March Mate Male Market Material Maleficent Margin Matriculate Maltreat Marginate Matronize Malice Marinate Matter Malignify Mark Mature Mall Market Maude Malleableize Marl Maugre Malleate Maroon Maul Malt Marriage Maunch Maltreat Marrow Maunder Mammock Marry Maximize Mammonize Marshal Mazard
Verbs That Start With Me Meager Meeten Mercury Meager Meine Mere Meal Melancholy Merge Mean Meliorate Merit Meander Mellow Mesh Measure Melodize Mesmerize Meat Melt Mess Mechanicalize Member Message Mechanize Memorate Metal Medal Memorialize Metallize Meddle Memorize Metamorphize Mediate Mend Metamorphose Mediatize Mense Metempsychose Medicine Mention Methodize Meditate Mentor Methylate Medal Merce Mew Meed Merchandise Mexicanize Meek Mercy Mezzotint Meeken Mercurialize Mezzotint Meet Mercury
Verbs That Start With Mi Midwife Misconduct Mismeter Midwives Misconsecrate Misname Miff Misconstruct Misnomer Mignon Misconstrue Misnumber Milden Miscopy Misnurture Mildew Miscorrect Misobserve Milk Miscounsel Misorder Mimic Miscovet Mispaint Mince Miscreate Mispay Mine Misdate Mispell Mineralize Misdeem Mispend Minge Misdemean Mispersuade Mingle Misdepart Misplace Mingle-mangle Misderive Mispoint Miniardize Misdescribe Mispraise Miniate Misdiet Misprint Miniature Misdirect Misprise Minify Misdistinguish Misprofess Minimize Misdivide Misproportion Minimize Miseducate Mispunctuate Minorate Misemploy Misraise Mint Misenter Misrate Miracle Mistreat Misread Miracle Misestimate Misreceive More Misexpound Misreform Mirror Misfall Misregulate Misaccompt Misfashion Misrehearse Misadjust Misform Misrelate Misadvise Misframe Misrender Misaffect Misget Misrepeat Misaffirm Misgie Misrepresent Misallege Misgive Misrepute Misalter Misgovern Miss Misapply Misgraff Missay Misapprehend Misgraft Misseek Misappropriate Misground Missend Misarcribe Misguide Misset Misarrange Misgye Misshape Misassay Mishandle Mission Misassign Misimprove Missit Misattend Misinc Missound Misavize Misinfer Misspeak Misbear Misinform Misspell Misbecome Misinstruct Misspend Misbede Misintend Misstate Misbeseem Misinterpret Mist Misbestow Misjoin Mistake Miscall Miskeep Misteach Miscast Misken Mistell Miscensure Miskindle Mistemper Mischaracterize Misknow Mister Mischarge Mislay Misterm Mischief Mislead Misthink Mischoose Mislearn Misthrow Mischristen Mislight Mistime Miscite Mislodge Mistitle Miscognize Mismark Mistrain Miscolor Mismatch Mistranslate Miscomprehend Mismate Mistransport Miscompute Mismeasure Mistreat Mistrist Misunderstand Miswed Mistrust Misuse Misword Mistune Misvalue Misworship Misturn Misvouch Miswrite Mistutor Miswear Misyoke
Verbs That Start With Mo Moan Molest Mortgage Moat Mollify Mortify Mob Molt Mortise Mobilize Monarchize Moss Moble Monest Moth-eat Mock Monetize Mother Model Money Motion Modelize Monger Motivate Moder Monish Motive Moderate Monitor Motor Modernize Monopolize Mottle Modificate Monster Mould Modify Moon Moulder Modulate Moor Moult Mohammedanize Moot Mounch Mohammedize Mop Mound Moil Mope Mount Moist Moralize Mountebank Moisten Mordant Mourn Moither More Mouse Mold Morphew Mousle Molder Mortalize Mouth Mole Mortar Move
Verbs That Start With Mu Muck Mullion Murmur Mucker Multiply Muscularize Mud Mumble Muse Muddle Mummify Mush Muddy Mummy Muss Muff Mump Must Muffle Mundify Muster Mug Munificate Mute Mulch Munite Mutilate Mulct Munnerate Mutter Mull Murder Mux