Adverbs That Start With E | Easy Guide 2022
Did you ever feel eager in your life about something that is going to happen? Human nature is attached to emotions & feelings. In English, There is a list of adverbs that start with A, … and end with N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, y, Z. So, there are many occasions for which you are waiting eagerly. “Like eagerly” is an adverb that starts with E. Various adverbs start with E.
Therefore, we came to an end that other adverbs are in use in our daily lives. We have listed below some adverbs that begin with E. I Hope you are eagerly waiting for the list in this context.
Adverbs That Start With E
Each where | Eligible | Equivalently |
Eagerly | Elliptically | Equivocally |
Early | Eloquently | Ere |
Earnestly | Elsewhere | Erectly |
East | Elsewhither | Erelong |
Earthly | Elsewise | Erewhile |
Earthward | Elvishly | Erewhiles |
Earthwards | Emanatively | Erst |
Easily | Emarginately | Erstwhile |
East | Emendately | Esentially |
Easterly | Eminently | Esoterically |
Eastward | Emphatically | Especially |
Eastwards | Emphatically | Estimably |
Eccentrically | Empirically | Eternally |
Ecclesiastically | Emulatively | Ethereally |
Eclectically | Emulously | Ethically |
Economically | Encounter | Ethnically |
Ecstatically | Enclitically | Ethnographically |
Ectad | Encounter | Ethnologically |
Geelong | Encroachingly | Evangelically |
Edgeways | Endearingly | Evenly |
Edgewise | Endemically | Eventually |
Edgingly | Endermically | Ever |
Editorially | Endlessly | Everlastingly |
Eerily | Endogenously | Evermore |
Effectively | Endurably | Everywhen |
Effectually | Endways | Everywhere |
Effectuously | Endwise | Evidently |
Effeminately | Engagedly | Evil |
Effeminately | Enharmonically | Evilly |
Efficiently | Enigmatically | Exactly |
Effrontuously | Enormously | Exceeding |
Effulgently | Enough | Exceedingly |
Eft | Enravishingly | Excellent |
Eftsoon | Ensemble | Excellently |
Eftsoons | Entad | Exchangeably |
Egoistically | Enticingly | Executively |
Egotistically | Entirely | Exemplarily |
Egregiously | Entreatingly | Exorbitantly |
Eighthly | Environ | Expectedly |
Eke | Epicurely | Expectingly |
Elastically | Epidemically | Expediently |
Elatedly | Epigrammatically | Expeditely |
Electively | Episcopally | Experimentally |
Electrically | Equally | Expertly |
Eleemosynarily | Equally | Expletively |
Elegantly | Equatorially | Explicitly |
Elementally | Equinoctially | Expressly |
Elenchically | Equipollently | Exquisitely |
Elfishly | Equitably | Extemporarily |