Adverbs That Start With L | Easy Guide
Are you searching for words or adverbs that start with L? Then you are at the right place. Most importantly, it would be best if you had a good grip on English vocabulary. The reason behind it is that English is the language that is most commonly used anywhere.
Therefore, if you have enhanced and advanced vocabulary, then you will speak or write effectively. To make it easy for you, we have listed some adverbs that start with L. Have a look at them below.
Also check, Adverbs that start with M:
Adverbs That Start With L
Labially | Legitimately | Loco |
Laboredly | Leisurably | Loftily |
Laconically | Leisurely | Logarithmically |
Lacteally | Lengthily | Logarithmically |
Lacteous | Lengthways | Logically |
Laggingly | Lengthwise | Loiteringly |
Lagly | Leniently | Lollingly |
Laically | Lentamente | Long |
Lamellar | Lenticularly | Longingly |
Lamely | Less | Longitudinally |
Lamentingly | Lesser | Longly |
Languente | Levelly | Longways |
Languishingly | Lever | Longwise |
Lankly | Levitically | Loobily |
Large | Liberally | Loosely |
Largely | Lief | Loquaciously |
Lasting | Light | Lordly |
Lastly | Lightly | Losingly |
Lately | Likely | Loud |
Latently | Limbmeal | Loudly |
Laterad | Limitedly | Lousily |
Laterally | Limpingly | Lovelily |
Latin | Lingeringly | Lovely |
Latterly | Linguistically | Loverwise |
Laudably | Liquidly | Lovingly |
Laughingly | Lispingly | Low |
Lavishly | Literally | Loweringly |
Laxly | Literatim | Lowlily |
Lazily | Lithely | Lowly |
Leanly | Lithologically | Loyally |
Leapingly | Litigiously | Lubberly |
Least | Little | Lucidly |
Leastways | Liturgically | Luciferously |
Leastwise | Livelily | Luckily |
Leeringly | Lively | Lucratively |
Leeward | Livingly | Luculently |
Leftward | Loathingly | Lullingly |
Legally | Loathly | Lustily |
Legibly | Lobately | Luxuriantly |
Legislatively | Locally |