Adverbs That Start With P | Easy Guide
To be very honest you are now addicted to the adverbs list. Next to O of adverbs, you are conscious of the adverbs that start with P. One more thing that you have seen in the adverbs is “-ly”.
Just like partially is an adverb. So, the main thing that you must focus on in your life is not to let anything be partial. If you have started any task then stay committed to completing that task within the given time. In English, there is a list of adverbs that start with A, … and end with U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
Therefore, partially there are furthermore adverbs that begin with P. Just roll down and enjoy the adverbs list.
Adverbs That Start With P
Paganly | Pestilentially | Preponderatingly |
Palatably | Pestilently | Prerogatively |
Palewise | Petitionarily | Presciently |
Pallidly | Petrologically | Prescriptively |
Palmately | Pettily | Presently |
Paltrily | Petulantly | Pressly |
Pantingly | Phlegmatically | Prestissimo |
Papally | Phonetically | Presumably |
Parabolically | Phonographically | Presumedly |
Parallelly | Physically | Presumingly |
Paramountly | Physiologically | Presumptively |
Paramour | Pickaback | Presumptuously |
Paramours | Pickaback | Pretendingly |
Paraunter | Backpack | Preternaturally |
Paravant | Piece | Prettily |
Paraventure | Piecemeal | Pretty |
Purchase | Pinchingly | Prevailingly |
Parcel-mele | Piningly | Prevalently |
Pardonably | Pinnately | Preventingly |
Parentally | Piously | Preventively |
Partly | Piquantly | Previously |
Parliamentarily | Pitapat | Pricing |
Parochially | Pithily | Primarily |
Part | Piu | Primely |
Partially | Placidly | Primevally |
Participantly | Plaguily | Primitively |
Participially | Plain | Primly |
Particularly | Plainly | Primordially |
Partitively | Plastically | Princely |
Partly | Plat | Principally |
Party | Platonically | Priorly |
Passably | Plausibly | Prismatically |
Passim | Pleadingly | Privately |
Passing | Pleasantly | Privatively |
Passingly | Plenarily | Privily |
Passionately | Pleonastically | Pro |
Passively | Pluckily | Probably |
Past | Plump | Prodigally |
Pastorally | Plumply | Prodigiously |
Pat | Plurally | Profanely |
Patching | Poco | Professedly |
Patently | Poetically | Professionally |
Paternally | Poignantly | Proficiently |
Patiently | Point-blank | Profligately |
Patly | Point-device | Profoundly |
Patrimonially | Point-devise | profuesly |
Pausingly | Pointlessly | Proleptically |
Peccantly | Polarity | Prolixly |
Pectinately | Polewards | Prominently |
Pectorally | Politely | Promiscuously |
Peculiarly | Politically | Promissorily |
Pecuniarily | Politicly | Promptly |
Pedantically | Ponderously | Pronely |
Pedantic | Pontifically | Pronominally |
Pedestrially | Poorly | Proper |
Peevishly | Pop | Properly |
Pellmell | Popularly | Prophetically |
Pellucidly | Porously | Propitiatorily |
Penally | Posingly | Proportionably |
Pendently | Positively | Proportionally |
Pendulously | Possessively | Proportionately |
Penetratingly | Possibly | Prosily |
Penitentially | Post | Prosingly |
Penitently | Posteriorly | Prosodiacally |
Pensively | Posthaste | Prospectively |
Pentagonally | Posthumously | Proteanly |
Purchase | Potentially | Protectingly |
Perchance | Potently | Protestantly |
Perdie | Poureliche | Protestingly |
Perdy | Poutingly | Protrusively |
Peremptorily | Practically | Proudly |
Perennially | Pragmatically | Proverbially |
Perfectively | Praisably | Providently |
Perfectly | Praiseworthily | Provincially |
Perfidiously | Pratingly | Provisionally |
Perforce | Prayingly | Provisorily |
Perfunctorily | Precedently | Proximad |
Perhaps | Previously | Proximally |
Periodically | Precipitantly | Proximately |
Periphrastically | Precipitately | Prudentially |
Perishably | Precociously | Prudently |
Permanently | Predatorily | Prudishly |
Permeably | Predominantly | Pryingly |
Permissively | Preedy | Publicly |
Perpendicularly | Preeminently | Puerilely |
Perpetually | Prefatorily | Puffingly |
Perplexedly | Preferably | Puissantly |
Persistently | Pregnantly | Pulingly |
Personally | Prejudicately | Punctually |
Perspectively | Prelatically | Pungently |
Pertinently | Preliminarily | Purely |
Partly | Prelusorily | Purgatively |
Perversely | Premeditately | Puritanically |
Perversely | Preparatively | Purposedly |
Pestiferously | Prepensely | Purposely |