
Animals That Start With G

animals that start with g


Some interesting facts about Animals with G

Here is a complete alphabetical list of popular names of animals that starts with g.  For you, our list contains the maximum animals that start with g in 6 different languages, along with interesting facts at the end.

Now, get them all in one place.

Animals That Start With G in different Languages

ECTI has added different languages for animals that start with g. It is for who are speaking languages other than English. 

Animals have different names in different languages. So, interestingly, we need to know what other languages are talking about it.

What is the special thing about our collection?


One list with 6 famous languages.

So, the list includes the animal’s name in English, French, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese language.

Ecti is happy to provide educational, entertaining, and informative content on the different animals. Our informative list is in alphabetical order, and it can include a few more categories than just discussed. You can also find a separate collection of the images of animals that start with g.

One more thing,

At the end of the topic, you can see some interesting facts about animals, beginning with g.

For a deep learning, we have a downloadable and printable documents. Find the “ animals that start with g PDF” for your sharable records.

List of Animals that Start with G

Gaboon ViperVipère du GabonVíbora de GabónVipera del Gabon加蓬蝰蛇ガボンアダー
GadwallCanard chipeauGadwallCanapè加德沃尔オカヨシガモ
Galapagos PenguinPingouin des GalapagosPingüino de galápagosPinguino delle Galapagos加拉帕戈斯企鹅ガラパゴスペンギン
Galapagos TortoiseTortue des GalapagosTortuga galápagosTartaruga delle Galapagos加拉帕戈斯象龟ガラパゴスゾウガメ
GannetFou de BassanalcatracesGannett塘鹅カツオドリ
Garden EelAnguille de jardinAnguila de jardínanguilla da giardino花园鳗鱼チンアナゴ
Garden SpiderAraignée de jardinAraña de jardínRagno da giardino花园蜘蛛ガーデンスパイダー
Garter SnakeCouleuvreSerpiente de ligaSerpente giarrettiera吊袜带蛇ガーターヘビ
Gentoo PenguinManchot papouPingüino papúaPinguino Gentoo金图企鹅ジェンツーペンギン
Geoffroy’s TamarinTamarin de GeoffroyTamarino de GeoffroyTamarin di Geoffroy杰弗里的狨猴ジョフロイタマリン
Geoffroys TamarinGeoffroys TamarinGeoffroys TamarinGeoffroys Tamarin杰弗里·塔马林ジョフロイタマリン
Gerberian ShepskyGerberian ShepskyGerberian ShepskyGerberian Shepsky格伯里安·谢普斯基ゲルベリアシェプスキー
German PinscherPinscher allemandPinscher alemánPinscher tedesco德国短毛猎犬ジャーマンピンシャー
German ShepherdBerger allemandPastor alemánPastore tedesco德国牧羊犬ジャーマンシェパード
German Shepherd GuideGuide du berger allemandGuía pastor alemánGuida al pastore tedesco德国牧羊犬指南ジャーマンシェパードガイド
German Sheppitberger allemandPastor alemánSheppit tedesco德国牧羊犬ドイツのシェピット
German ShepradorSheprador allemandPastor alemánSheprador tedesco德国牧羊犬ドイツのシェプラドール
German Shorthaired PointerBraque allemand à poil courtBraco alemán de pelo cortoPointer tedesco a pelo corto德国短毛指针ジャーマンショートヘアードポインター
German SpitzSpitz allemandSpitz alemánSpitz tedesco德国斯皮茨ジャーマンスピッツ
Ghost BatChauve-souris fantômemurciélago fantasmaPipistrello fantasma幽灵蝙蝠ゴーストバット
Ghost CrabCrabe fantômeCangrejo fantasmaGranchio fantasma鬼蟹スナガニ
Giant African Land SnailEscargot géant africainCaracol de tierra africano giganteLumaca di terra africana gigante巨型非洲陆蜗牛アフリカマイマイ
Giant ArmadilloTatou géantArmadillo giganteArmadillo Gigante巨型犰狳オオアルマジロ
Giant ClamPalourde géanteAlmeja giganteVongola gigante巨蛤シャコガイ
Giant Ground SlothParesseux terrestre géantPerezoso terrestre giganteBradipo gigante巨型地懒メガテリウムナマケモノ
Giant OtterLoutre géanteNutria giganteLontra gigante巨型水獭オオカワウソ
Giant PandaPanda géantPanda gigantePanda gigante大熊猫ジャイアントパンダ
Giant Panda BearOurs Panda GéantOso panda giganteOrso Panda Gigante大熊猫熊ジャイアントパンダベア
Giant SalamanderSalamandre géanteSalamandra giganteSalamandra Gigante大鲵オオサンショウウオ
Giant SchnauzerSchnauzer GéantSchnauzer giganteSchnauzer gigante巨型雪纳瑞ジャイアントシュナウザー
Giant SchnoodleSchnoodle géantSchnoodle giganteCotoletta Gigante巨型Schnoodleジャイアントシュヌードル
Gila MonsterMonstre de GilaMonstruo Gilamostro di gila吉拉怪物アメリカドクトカゲ
Glass FrogGrenouille de verreRana de cristalRana di vetro玻璃蛙アマガエルモドキ
Glass LizardLézard de verreLagarto de cristalLucertola di vetro玻璃蜥蜴アシナシトカゲ
Glen Of Imaal TerrierGlen d’Imaal TerrierGlen Of Imaal TerrierGlen Of Imaal Terrier伊玛尔梗的格伦グレンオブイマールテリア
Glow WormVer luisantGusano resplandecienteLucciola萤火虫グローワーム
Goblin SharkGobelin requinTiburón duendeSqualo Goblin地精鲨ミツクリザメ
GobyGobieVe porGhiozzo虾虎鱼過ぎる
Golden CatChat d’orgato doradoGatto d’oro金猫ゴールデンキャット
Golden DoxDox d’orDox DoradoDox d’oro金多克斯ゴールデンドックス
Golden EagleAigle en orÁguila doradaAquila reale金鹰ゴールデンイーグル
Golden Lion TamarinTamarin Lion DoréTití león doradoTamarino Leone d’Oro金狮狨ゴールデンライオンタマリン
Golden Masked OwlHibou masqué d’orBúho enmascarado doradoGufo mascherato d’oro金色蒙面猫头鹰ニューブリテンメンフクロウ
Golden NewfieNewfie d’orGolden NewfieNewfie d’oro金纽菲ゴールデンニューファンドランド
Golden OrioleOriole d’orOropéndolaRigogolo doratoゴールデンオリオール
Golden PheasantFaisan doréfaisán doradoFagiano d’oro锦鸡キンケイ
Golden Poison FrogGrenouille empoisonnée doréeRana Venenosa DoradaRana velenosa d’oro金毒蛙モウドクフキガエル
Golden PyreneesPyrénées doréesPirineos DoradosPirenei dorati金色的比利牛斯ゴールデンピレニーズ
Golden RetrieverGolden retrieverPerro perdiguero de oroGolden retriever金毛猎犬ゴールデンレトリバー
Golden SaintSaint d’orSanto doradoSanto d’oro金圣ゴールデンセイント
Golden ShepherdBerger d’orPastor doradopastore d’oro金牧羊犬ゴールデンシェパード
Golden-Crowned Flying FoxRenard volant à couronne doréeZorro volador coronado de oroVolpe volante dalla corona d’oro金冠狐蝠ゴールデンクラウンフライングフォックス
GoldendoodleGoldendoodleDoodle doradoGoldendoodle金嘟嘟ゴールデンドゥードル
GoldeneyeOeil doréOjo doradoOcchio d’oro黄金眼ゴールデンアイ
GoldfishPoisson rougePez de coloresPesce rosso金鱼金魚
Goliath BirdeaterMangeur d’oiseaux GoliathComepájaros GoliatGolia mangiatore di uccelli歌利亚食鸟者ゴリアテバードイーター
Goliath FrogGrenouille GoliathRana goliatRana Golia歌利亚青蛙ゴライアスガエル
GopherGopherArdilla de tierraGopher地鼠ゴーファー
Gopher SnakeSerpent GopherSerpiente GopherSerpente Gopher地鼠蛇ゴーファースネーク
Gopher TortoiseTortue GopherTortuga GopherTartaruga Gopher地鼠龟アナホリゴファー
Gordon SetterSetter GordonGordon SetterGordon Setter戈登塞特ゴードンセッター
Gouldian FinchDiamant de GouldPinzón de GouldianFringuello di Gould古尔甸雀コキンチョウ
Grass SnakeCouleuvreSerpiente de hierbaSerpente dell’erba草蛇グラススネーク
Grasshopper MouseSouris sauterelleRatón saltamontesTopo Cavalletta蚱蜢老鼠バッタネズミ
Gray FoxRenard griszorro grisVolpe Grigia灰狐グレイフォックス
Gray OwlHibou grisBúho grisGufo grigio灰猫头鹰カラフトフクロウ
Gray Tree FrogRainette griseRana arborícola grisRaganella grigia灰树蛙灰色のアマガエル
Great Blue HeronGrand HéronGran garza azulAirone azzurro maggiore大蓝鹭オオアオサギ
Great Crested FlycatcherGrand moucherolle huppéGran papamoscas crestadoGrande pigliamosche crestato大凤头鹟オオヒタキモドキ
Great DaneGrand danoisGran DanésAlano大丹犬グレートデーン
Great DanoodleGrand DanoodleGran DanoodleOttimo Danoodle大面条グレートダンドル
Great Hammerhead SharkGrand requin marteaugran tiburón martilloGrande squalo martello大双髻鲨ヒラシュモクザメ
Great PyreneesGrandes PyrénéesGrandes pirineosGrandi Pirenei大比利牛斯グレートピレネー山脈
Great White SharkGrand requin blancGran tiburón blancoGrande squalo bianco大白鲨ホオジロザメ
Greater FlamingoFlamant rosegran flamencoFenicottero maggiore大火烈鸟オオフラミンゴ
Greater Swiss Mountain DogGrand Bouvier SuisseGran perro de montaña suizoGrande Bovaro Svizzero大瑞士山地犬グレータースイスマウンテンドッグ
Green AnacondaAnaconda vertAnaconda verdeAnaconda Verde绿蟒オオアナコンダ
Green AnoleAnole verteAnole verdeanole verde绿色 Anoleグリーンアノール
Green Bee-EaterGuêpier vertAbejaruco verdeGruccione verde绿色食蜂鸟ミドリハチクイ
Green FrogGrenouille verteRana verderana verde绿蛙緑のカエル
Green JackJack vertgato verdeJack Verde绿杰克グリーンジャック
Green JayGeai vertarrendajo verdeGhiandaia Verde绿杰グリーンジェイ
Green Tree FrogGrenouille verteRana arborícola verdeRaganella verde绿树蛙緑のアマガエル
Green TurtleTortue verteTortuga verdeTartaruga Verde绿龟グリーンタートル
Greenland DogChien du GroenlandPerro de GroenlandiaCane della Groenlandia格陵兰犬グリーンランドドッグ
Greenland SharkRequin du GroenlandTiburón de GroenlandiaSqualo della Groenlandia格陵兰鲨ニシオンデンザメ
Grey Mouse LemurLémurien Souris GrisLémur ratón grisLemure Topo Grigio灰鼠狐猴ハイイロネズミキツネザル
Grey Reef SharkRequin gris de récifTiburón gris de arrecifeSqualo grigio del reef灰礁鲨オグロメジロザメ
Grey SealPhoque grisFoca grisSigillo Grigio灰印章ハイイロアザラシ
Grizzly BearGrizzlyOso grizzlyOrso grizzly大灰熊ハイイログマ
Ground SquirrelSpermophileArdilla terrestreScoiattolo di terra地松鼠ジリス
Groundhog (Woodchuck)Marmotte (Marmotte)Marmota (Marmota)Marmotta (marmotta)土拨鼠(土拨鼠)グラウンドホッグ(ウッドチャック)
GrouseGrouseQuejaGallo cedrone松鸡ライチョウ
Guinea FowlPintadeGallina de GuineaFaraona珍珠鸡ホロホロチョウ
Guinea PigCochon d’IndeConejillo de indiasPorcellino d’India豚鼠モルモット

Do you have a pet?

First, try to find out some unique attributes.

Secondly, keep an eye on habits.

Do you know why?Yes!

Animals repeat their habits AGAIN AND AGAIN.

They learn through it, repeat it all the time.

More about Animals

List of Animals That Start with G in English

Here, we provide a list of animals that start with G in English.

  • Galapagos Penguin
  • Galapagos Tortoise
  • Gar
  • Gecko
  • Gentoo Penguin
  • Geoffroy’s Tamarin
  • Gerbil
  • German Pinscher
  • German Shepherd
  • Gharial
  • Giant African Land Snail
  • Giant Clam
  • Giant Panda Bear
  • Giant Schnauzer
  • Gibbon
  • Gila Monster
  • Giraffe
  • Glass Lizard
  • Glow Worm
  • Goat
  • Goblin Shark
  • Golden Lion Tamarin
  • Golden Masked Owl
  • Golden Oriole
  • Golden Retriever
  • Golden-Crowned Flying Fox
  • Goose
  • Gopher
  • Gorilla
  • Grasshopper
  • Great Dane
  • Great Pyrenees
  • Great White Shark
  • Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
  • Green Anole
  • Green Bee-Eater
  • Greenland Dog
  • Grey Mouse Lemur
  • Grey Reef Shark
  • Grey Seal
  • Greyhound
  • Grizzly Bear
  • Grouse
  • Guinea Fowl
  • Guinea Pig
  • Guppy

Animals that Start with G with Interesting Facts 

Galapagos Penguin

Equator penguins are the only species to live there.

Galapagos Tortoise

The World’s largest tortoise species.


It is one of the most endangered fish species.


Light is 350 times more sensitive to their eyes than human eyes.

Gentoo Penguin

They raise two chicks a year, unlike other penguin species.

Geoffroy’s Tamarin

Occasionally, it lands on the ground. 


They are tunneling experts.

German Pinscher

Exceptional working dogs

German Shepherd

Known for its courage, loyalty, and guarding instincts.


A female can lay almost 100 eggs.

Giant African Land Snail

It is one of the largest terrestrial gastropods.

Giant Clam

Only has one chance to find a home.

Giant Panda Bear

They love baby bamboo. 

Giant Schnauzer

Great at dog sports competitions.


It communicates through singing.

Gila Monster

North America’s largest lizard.


Tallest mammal on Earth.

Glass Lizard

Rather than being a snake, it is a lizard without legs.

Glow Worm

They are not worms.


The most ancient animals.

Goblin Shark

It shrinks when it gets older.

Golden Lion Tamarin

There are about 1,500 remaining in the wild, and about 500 live in zoos.

Golden Masked Owl

Known for their large, dark eyes and heart-shaped faces.

Golden Oriole

Also known as the Eurasian Oriole.

Golden Retriever

Therapy dogs are commonly Golden Retrievers.

Golden-Crowned Flying Fox

The world’s largest bat.


Goose refers to female geese, while ganders are male geese.


They are best at building underground tunnel systems.


Around 98% of their DNA is the same as ours.


They have many predators.

Great Dane

The World’s tallest dog.

Great Pyrenees

In France, they became royalty.

Great White Shark

Can live up to thirty years

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

The invading Romans brought this dog to the Alps.

Green Anole

The lizard reaches a length of five to eight inches.

Green Bee-Eater

They have one of the most complex social systems.

Greenland Dog

Sled dogs are husky-type dogs.

Grey Mouse Lemur

It lives its entire life in trees.

Grey Reef Shark

Loves warm and shallow waters. 

Grey Seal

The United Kingdom’s largest land mammal.


World’s second-fastest animal and fastest dog.

Grizzly Bear

They have strong muscles to use to power.


A ground-dwelling bird

Guinea Fowl

Guineas can control insects such as grasshoppers, flies, and crickets. 

Guinea Pig

Guinea Pig isn’t a pig or even related to pigs.


Although males are smaller, their tails are larger and more colorful than females.

Here are some more concerns

  • Animals that start with g in English
  • Animals that start with g and end with a
  • Animals that start with g and end with r
  • Animals that start with g in Spanish
  • Animals that start with g in French
  • Animals that start with g in German
  • Animals that start with g alphabetical
  • Animals that start with g preschool
  • Sea animals that start with g
  • Australian animals that start with g

You can also find other lists of the following to grab more knowledge:

  • animals that start with gr
  • animals that start with great
  • animals that start with g and end with r
  • animals that start with gi
  • animals that start with ge
  • animals that start with gl
  • animals that start with giant
  • animals that start with gu

Keep visiting ECTI for more English vocabulary.