Factors of 103 | With Easy Division and Prime Factorization

ECTI Pakistan - Factors of 103


Factors of 103

Factors of 103 are all integers that we can evenly divide into 103.

 There are 2 factors of 103, with 103 being the biggest factor and its positive factors being 1, 103. In the case of 103, the Pair Factors are (1, 103), and its Prime Factors are 103.

All Factors of 103:                 1 and 103

Negative Factors of 103:      -1 and -103

Prime Factors of 103:            103

Prime Factorization of 103:   1031

Sum of Factors of 103:          104

What are the Factors of 103?

A factor of 103 is a pair of numbers whose products result in 103. The factors can also be prime numbers or composite numbers.

What are the Factors of -103?

We can get -103 by having (-1, 103), and(103, -1) as a pair of factors. Similarly, we can also get -103 by having (1, -103), and(-103, 1) as a pair of factors.

How to Find the Factors of 103?

We will need to make a list of the numbers that divide 103 without leaving a remainder to find the factors of 103.

  • 103/103 = 1

Therefore, 103 is a factor of 103.

  • 103/1 = 103;

Therefore, 1 is a factor of 103.

Hence, the factors of 103 are 1, 103.

More Factors

Factor of 1The factor of 1 is 1.Factors of 24 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24.
Factors of 15—The factors of 15 are 1, 3, 5, 15Factors of 46The factors of 46 are 1, 2, 23, and 26.
Factors of 7—The factors of 7 are 1, 7

Factors of 103 by Prime Factorization

Since 103 is a prime number, its factors are the number 1 and the number 103. So, it only has one prime factor—the number itself, 103.

As a result, the prime factorization of 103 is 1031, where 103 is prime.

Factors of 103 in Pairs

In mathematics, pair factors of 103 are the numbers multiplied together to give the result 103. Here are the factors of 103 in pairs:

  • 1 × 103 = (1, 103)

Similarly, the Negative pair factors of 103 are:

  • -1 × -103 = (-1, -103)

Solved Examples

  1. What are the factors of 103?
    103 has two factors: 1 and 3. Therefore, 103 has two factors.
  2. Example 2: Calculate the LCM and GCF of 103 and 47.
    The factors for 103 and 47 are 1, 103, and 1, 47, respectively.
    As a result, the LCM of 103 and 47 is 4841, and the GCF of 103 and 47 is 1.
  3. Example 3: Determine whether 3 and 103 are factors of 103.
    Divide 103 by 3 to get the remainder. Therefore, the number 3 is not a factor of 103.
  4. Example 4: Calculate 103’s product of all its factors.
    Since 103 consists of 1, 103, therefore, the product of factors is 1 × 103 = 103.


What are the Factors of 103?

There are two factors of 103: 1, and 103, and its negative factors are -1, and -103.

What is the Sum of all Factors of 103?

103 has only one factor, 103, the sum of those factors is 1 + 103 = 104.

What are the Prime Factors of 103?

103 is the prime factor of 103.

What is the Greatest Common Factor of 103 and 43?

103 has the factor 1, 103, and 43 has the factor 1, 43. These two numbers only have one thing in common: 1. Therefore, 103 and 43 are coprime numbers.
Since 103 and 43 have the same common factor, the GCF is 1.

What are the Common Factors of 103 and 99?

Therefore, 103 has 1, 103 and 99 has 1, 3, 9, 11, 33, 99. The only factor in common between 103 and 99 is 1. As a result, they are coprime.