Factors Of 53 | Factor Pairs and Prime Factors | Easy Guide

ECTI pakistan - Factors of 53


Factors Of 53

53-factor whole numbers that divide the original number uniformly or equally. This means the remainder is either none or zero after division. For instance, 8 divides 24 into 3 equal parts, a factor of 24.

24/8 = 3 [Remainder = 0]

Factors of all numbers are less than or equal to their original value. Using simple methods, let us determine the factors, pair factors, and prime factors of 53 in this article.

I Hope you will understand it perfectly.

FactorsPair FactorsPrime Factors
1 and 53(1,53) or (53,1)53 → 53
ECTI Pakistan - factors of 53

How to Find the Factors of 53?

Mathematically, a factor is a number that can divide the actual number evenly. The prime number 53 has only two factors, 1 and 53 since it is a prime number.

53 ÷ 1 = 53

53 ÷ 53 = 1

We get a fraction or decimal result after dividing 53 by a positive number. Hence, factors 53 are 1 and 53.

Pair Factors of 53

Numbers that are evaluated in pairs are known as pair factors. The original number is the product of the pair factors of 53. As a result,

1 × 53 = 53


53 × 1 = 53

Accordingly, there is only one pair factor, i.e. (1, 53).

As a similar solution, we can find the negative pair factors of 53 that produce the original number.

-1 × -53 = 53

Thus, the negative pair factor is (-1, -53).

Prime Factorization of 53

It is easy to find the prime factors of any number using the prime factorization method. Prime numbers are these prime factors. The prime factorization of 53 is not required since 53 is already a prime number.

Make sure:

In order to determine whether 53 is a prime number, we divide it by other prime numbers. First, we will list all the prime numbers from 1 to 53.

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53

We get the following result if we divide 53 by prime numbers:

53/2 = 26.5

53/3 = 17.67

53/5 = 10.6

53/17 = 3.11

53/31 = 1.7

If we divide up to 47, all the resultant quotients will be fractions. Thus, only 53 is divisible by itself.


Prime factorization of 53 = 53

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Solved Examples

Q.1: Calculate the sum of all the factors of 53.

Solution: 53 has two factors, 1 and 53.

Sum = 1 + 53

         = 54

Therefore, 54 is the required sum.

Q.2: What is the greatest common factor between 53, 57, and 59?

Answer: Here is a list of all the factors.

53 has the following factors: 1, 53

1, 3, 19, 57 are the factors of 57

1, 59 are the factors of 59

Accordingly, there is only 1 factor that is common to all. Thus,

GCF (53, 57, 59) = 1

Q.3: Calculate the square of 53.


Square of 53 = 532

= 53 x 53

= 2809


What are the factors of 53?

1 and 53 itself are the only two factors of 53.

What are the multiples of 53?

53, 106, 159, 212, 265, 318, 371, 424, 477, and 530 are the first ten multiples of 53.

What is the divisibility of 53?

Fifty-three can be divided by 1 and 53.

Is 53 a prime or composite number?

53 is a prime number.

Is 53 a perfect square?

The root of 53 is not a whole number but a fraction, so 53 is not a perfect square.
√53 = 7.28
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