Spelling Quiz for Grade 6
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- competitor
- Competitore
- competidor
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- mainstream
- main stream
- main-stream
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- phobia
- fobia
- phabia
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- rhinestone
- rinestone
- rinostone
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- audience
- audiense
- audiensa
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- dominance
- domenance
- dominence
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- wearable
- warable
- werable
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- etching
- atching
- erching
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- idiom
- ydiom
- adiom
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- reinforce
- rienforce
- reanforce
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- abrasive
- obrasive
- avrasive
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- insurance
- ansurance
- aseguransa
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- huckleberry
- haklberry
- hackberry
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- nanosecond
- nano second
- nano-second
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word?
- web-footed
- webfooted
- web footed
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- Their house is further up the street.
- Their house is farther up the street.
- Their house is furthur up the street.
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- I’ve had enough grief for one day.
- I’ve had enough gref for one day.
- I’ve had enough greef for one day.
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- He is listening to her words.
- He is listning to her words.
- He is lisning to her words.
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- Apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding.
- Apply presure to the wound to stop the bleeding.
- Apply prassure to the wound to stop the bleeding.
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- We’re looking for a dog-friendly hotel.
- We’re looking for a dogfriendly hotel.
- We’re looking for a dog friendly hotel.
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- Mammals have an inborn fear of snakes.
- Mamals have an inborn fear of snakes.
- Mamal have an inborn fear of snakes.
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- The bough that bears most, hangs lowest.
- The bow that bears most, hangs lowest.
- The bogh that bears most, hangs lowest.
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- Mike is filming his brother play in the snow.
- Mike is filmig his brother play in the snow.
- Mike is filmin’ his brother play in the snow.
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- She stood gazing at herself in the mirror.
- She stud gazing at herself in the mirror.
- She stod gazing at herself in the mirror.
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- Birds skimmed the surface of the pond.
- Birds skimed the surface of the pond.
- Birds skimmeed the surface of the pond.
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- I am going to be a sailor and nothing else.
- I am going to be a sailr and nothing else.
- I am going to be a sailur and nothing else.
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- These trees only grow in humid climates
- These trees only grow in humid climtes
- These trees only grow in humid clymates
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- We were allowed to watch the director rehearse the dancers
- We were allowed to watch the director rehurse the dancers
- We were allowed to watch the director reherse the dancers
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- His success has made some of his old friends jealous
- His success has made some of his old friends jealus
- His success has made some of his old friends jealos
- Question of
What is the correct spelling of a word in a sentence?
- I’m starting to get a headache.
- I’m starting to get a headac.
- I’m starting to get a headach