The following is a list of verbs that start with A. It contains all action verbs that include transitive and intransitive verbs.
As we know, there is no sentence without a verb. So, we need an extensive vocabulary to make it possible to have a good command of English.
Those who are learning English Grammar and want to grasp more knowledge can have a list of verbs starting with A, B, C, and D up to Z in the sidebar. You can also find verbs that begin with A PDF for a printable version.
Similarly, the list of verbs with three forms will also help you understand and better use them. In English , there are many alphabetic verbs, like those that start with “I ” etc. We have made a complete list of verbs that start with A separately for your ease. Soon after that, there will be an alphabetically-arranged list of verbs that begins with Aa, ab, etc.
Verbs That Start With Ab Abide Abjure Abrogate Abacinate Ablactate Abrook Abalienate Ablaqueate Abrupt Aband Ablegate Abscind Abandon Ablude Abscond Abash Abnegate Absent Abate Abnodate Absinthiate Abbreviate Abode Absolve Abdicate Abolish Absorb Abduce Abolitionize Abstain Abduct Abominate Absterge Abear Abord Absterse Aberuncate Abound Abstract Abet Abrade Abstringe Abhor Abregge Abstrude Abirritate Abrenounce Absume Abjudge Abridge Abuse Abjudicate Abroach Abusion
Verbs That Start With Ac Accelerate Accouple Achieve Accent Accourage Achromatize Accentuate Accourt Acidify Accept Accouter Acidulate Access Accredit Acknow Accite Accrete Acknowledge Acclaim Accriminate Acquaint Acclimate Accroach Acquire Acclimatize Accrue Acquit Accloy Accumber Acquittance Accoil Accumulate Acrase Accommodate Accurse Acraze Accompany Accuse Act Accomplish Accustom Activate Accord Ace Actualize Accorporate Acerbate Actuate Accost Acervate Acuminate Account Acetify Acupuncture
Verbs That Start With Ad Adact Adjoin Adopt Adapt Adjourn Adore Adaunt Adjudge Adpress Adaw Adjudicate Adrogate Add Adjugate Adsignify Addeem Adjure Adulate Addict Adjust Adulterate Addoom Adjute Adumbrate Address Admarginate Adure Adduce Admeasure Advance Adduct Administer Advancement Addulce Administrate Advantage Adeem Admire Adverbialize Adhibit Admit Adverse Adhort Admix Advertise Adight Admonish Advise Adipocerate Admove Advocate Adjective Adonize Advoke
Verbs That Start With Ae Verbs That Start With Af Affiliate Affirm Affray Affair Affix Affreight Affect Afflict Affright Affiance Efforts Affront Affile Afford Affuse Affiliate Afforest Affy Affine Affranchise Africanize
Verbs That Start With Ag Agast Aggrandize Agist Agatize Aggravate Agitate Age Aggregate Agnize Aggerate Aggrege Agnominate Aggest Aggress Agonize Agglomerate Aggrieve Agrarianize Agglutinate Aggroup Agree Aggrace Aghast Agrise
Verbs That Start With Ai Verbs That Start With Al Alacrify Alkalify Allocate Alarm Alkalizate Allot Albumenize Alkalize Allotropize Alchemize All-hail Allow Alcoholize Allay Alloy Alegge Allect Allude Alert Allege Allure Algebraize Allegge Ally Alien Allegorize Alose Alienate Alleviate Alphabet Aliene Alliance Alphabetize Align Alligate Alter Aliment Alliterate Alternant
Verbs That Start With Am Amain Ambush Amit Amalgamate Amel Ammunition Amalgamize Ameliorate Amnesty Amass Amen Amortize Amate Amenage Amount Amaze Amend Amove Amber Amenuse Ample Ambition Amerce Ampliate Ambuscade Americanize Amplify
Verbs That Start With An Anabaptize Anglicify Annihilate Anachronize Anglicize Announce Anaesthetize Anglify Annoy Anagram Angrite Anoint Anagrammatize Anguish Answer Analyze Angulate Antagonize Anarchize Anhang Antedate Anathematize Anient Antepone Anatomize Anientise Antevert Anchor Animalize Anthem Anele Animate Antic Angelify Annalize Anticipate Angelize Anneal Antidote Anger Annex Antiquate Angle Annexation Antrovert
Verbs That Start With Ap Ape Appendant Apprise Aphetize Apperceive Apprize Apocopate Appete Approach Apologize Appetize Approbate Apotheosize Applaud Appromt Apparel Apply Appropre Appay Appoint Appropriate Appeach Appose Approve Appeal Appraise Approximate Appear Appreciate Apt Appease Apprehend Aptate Append Apprentice
Verbs That Start With Ar Arace Argue Arrest Araise Arianize Arret Arbiter Arise Arrive Arbitrable Arm Arrogate Arbitrate Aroint Arrose Arch Aromatize Arsenicate Archaize Arouse Arterialize Aread Arraign Articulate Areed Arrange Artificialize Arefy Arras Aryanize Aret Arrect
Verbs That Start With As Ascend Assemble Assume Ascertain Assent Assumpt Ascribe Assert Assure Ash Assess Astert Ask Asseverate Aston Askance Assibilate Astone Asperate Assiege Astonish Asperne Assign Astony Asperse Assimilate Astrict Asphalt Assist Astringe Asphyxiate Associate Astun Aspirate Assoil Assassinate Aspire Assoilyie Assecure Assail Assoilzie Assuage Assart Assort Assubjugate Assassin Assot
Verbs That Start With At Atake Attache Atticize Atheize Attack Attinge Athink Attain Attire Atmolyze Attaint Attorn Atom Attame Attorney Atomize Attemper Attract Atone Attemperate Attrahent Atrede Attempt Attrap Atrenne Attend Attribute Atrophy Attenuate Attune Attach Attest
Verbs That Start With Au Auction Augur Authenticate Auctioneer Aumail Author Audit Auntre Authorize Augment Auspicate Automate
Verbs That Start With Av Avail Average Avouch Avenge Averruncate Avow Aventre Avise Avulse Aver Avoke
Verbs That Start With Aw Await Aware Awake Awarn Awaken Awe Award
Verbs That Start With Az List of verbs that start with A pdf