Most of the time, you see people performing different activities in which actions are included. Similarly, you observe some words that represent action. They are known as verbs. You can also get an idea with the list of verbs that start with B. Furthermore, there are some individuals that are struggling to strengthen their vocabulary.
We are here to tell you that if you want to strengthen your vocabulary then reading will play a vital role in it. There is a complete list of verbs that begin with the letters A, B, C , D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z. Therefore, we have listed 500 plus verbs that start with B. You can check them and read them to get a better understanding of the verbs.
Verbs That Start With Ba Babbitt Bandage Basil Babble Bandy Bask Back Bane Basket Badge Bang Bass Badger Bangle Bastard Baff Banish Bastardize Baffle Bank Baste Bag Bankrupt Bastinade Bagpipe Banquet Bastinado Bail Banter Bat Bait Baptize Batch Bake Bar Bate Balance Barb Bathe Balderdash Barbarize Battalion Bale Barbecue Batten Balk Barber Batter Ball Bard Battle Ballad Bare Battologize Ballast Bargain Bawl Balloon Bark Bay Ballot Barn Bayonet Balsam Barrack Bam Balter Barrage Bamboozle Barter Barrel Ban Basify Base Band
Verbs That Start With Be Beach Behete Berime Beacon Behold Berth Bead Behoove Besaint Beam Behowl Bescatter Bear Being Bescorn Beard Bejade Bescratch Beat Bejape Bescrawl Beath Bejaundice Bescreen Beatificate Bejewel Bescribble Beatify Bejumble Bescumber Beautify Beknave Bescummer Bebleed Beknow Beseech Bebloody Belabor Beseek Beblot Belace Beseem Beblubber Belam Beset Becalm Belate Beshine Becharm Belaud Beshrew Beck Belay Beshroud Beckon Beleaguer Besiege Beclap Belecture Beslabber Beclip Belee Beslave Becloud Beleper Beslaver Become Belibel Beslime Becripple Believe Beslobber Becurl Belight Beslubber Bed Belime Besmear Bedabble Belittle Besmirch Bedaggle Belk Besnow Bedash Bell Besnuff Bedaubr Bellow Besom Bede Belly Besort Bedeck Belock Besot Bedevil Belong Bespangle Bedew Belord Bespatter Bedight Belove Bespawl Bedim Belowt Bespeak Bedizen Belt Bespeckle Bedote Belute Bespew Bedrabble Bemad Bespice Bedraggle Bemangle Bespirt Bedrench Bemask Bespit Bedribble Bemaster Bespot Bedrizzle Bemaul Bespread Bedrop Bemean Besprinkle Bedrug Bemete Bespurt Bedung Bemire Best Bedwarf Bemist Bestain Bedye Bemoan Bestar Been Bemock Bestead Beetle Bemoil Bestialize Befall Bemonster Bestick Befit Bemourn Bestill Beflatter Bemuddle Bestir Beflower Bemuffle Bestow Befog Bemuse Bestraddle Befool Bename Bestreak Befortune Bench Bestrew Befriend Bend Bestride Befrill Benefice Bestud Befringe Beneficiate Bet Befuddle Benefit Betake Beg Beneme Bete Begem Benet Bethink Beget Benight Bethrall Beggar Benim Bethumb Begild Bepaint Bethump Begin Bepelt Betide Begird Bepinch Betitle Begirdle Beplaster Betoken Begirt Bepommel Betongue Begnaw Bepowder Betoss Begod Bepraise Betrap Begore Bepurple Betray Begrave Bequeath Betrim Begrease Bequest Betroth Begrime Bequote Betrust Begrudge Berate Betumble Beguile Berattle Bevel Behappen Beray Beverage Behave Bere Bewail Behead Bereave Beware Behest Berhyme Beweep
Verbs That Start With Bi Bias Bigg Birken Bib Bilge Bisect Bibbe Bilk Bishop Bibler Bill Bisie Bichromatize Billet Bit Bid Bin Bitake Bide Bind Bite Bield Biographize Bitt Big Birch Bitter
Verbs That Start With Bl Blackball Blazon Blockade Blacken Bleach Blond Blackguard Blear Blonde Blacklead Bleck Blood Blacklist Bleed Bloom Blackmail Blemish Blossom Bladder Blench Blot Blade Blend Blow Blame Bless Blubber Blanch Blessing Blue Blank Blight Bluff Blanket Blind Blunder Blare Blindfold Blunge Blarney Blink Blunt Blast Blister Blur Blat Bloat Blurt Blaze Block Blush
Verbs That Start With Bo Board Bombast Bother Boast Bond Bottle Boat Bone Bottom Bob Bonify Bouche Bode Book Bouge Bodge Book Bought Body Boom Boun Bog Boost Bounce Boggle Boot Bound Boil Border Bow Bold Bore Bowel Bolling Born Bower Bolster Borrow Bowge Bolt Bosom Bowl Bomb Boss Bowne Bombard Botanize Bowstring Blaze Block Blush
Verbs That Start With Br Brace Breech Broadcast Bracket Breed Broaden Brag Brevet Broadseal Braid Breviate Brog Brail Brew Brogue Brain Bribe Broid Braise Brick Broider Brake Bride Broil Branch Bridge Brominate Brand Bridle Bromize Brave Brief Brood Bray Brigade Brook Braze Bright Broom Brazen Brighten Brother Breach Brim Brow Bread Brimstone Browbeat Break Brine Brown Breakfast Bring Bruise Bream Brisk Bruit Breast Bristle Brunt Breathe Brite Brush
Verbs That Start With Bu Bub Bulldoze Burn Bubble Bullock Burnettize Bubbler Bully Burnish Buck Bullyrag Burst Buckler Bulwark Bury Buckram Bump Bush Bud Bunch Bushhammer Budget Bundle Buss Buff Bung Busy Buffet Bungle Butcher Buffoon Buoy Butt Bugbear Burden Butter Build Burke Buttonhole Built Burl Buttress Bull Burlesque Buttweld