Generally Speaking, verbs are the words that add value to the sentences. Without the use of verbs, just think about how you will identify the actions? So, they have a role in determining the activities in the sentences. Similarly, the verbs start with E that adds value to the vocabulary with multiple action verbs.
Just like, Eat, Earn, Escort, and Escape. Without E, you are unable to identify these action words. Let’s move forward and explore the lists of verbs that start with E.
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Verbs That Start With Ea Ear Earnest Ease Earmark Earth Easy Earn Earwig Eat
Verbs That Start With Ec Ecchymose Echo Eclipse Ecclesiastic Eclaircise Economize Echelon Eclaircissement
Verbs That Start With Ed Edder Edify Educate Eddy Edit Educe Edge Edituate Edulcorate
Verbs That Start With Ef Efface Effierce Efform Effascinate Effigiate Effranchise Effect Efflagitate Effray Effectuate Efflate Effront Effeminate Efflower Effulge Effeminize Efforce Effund
Verbs That Start With Eg Verbs That Start With Ej Verbs That Start With El Elaborate Electroplate Elinguate Elance Electrotonize Elix Elaqueate Elegize Elixate Elate Element Eloign Elbow Elevate Eloignate Eld Elf Eloin Elect Elicit Eloinate Electrify Elicitate Elong Electrize Elide Elope Electrocute Elimate Elucidate Electrolyze Eliminate Elude
Verbs That Start With Em Emaciate Emblematiccize Emit Emaculate Emblematize Emmantle Email Emblemize Emmarble Emancipate Embloom Emmew Emarginate Emblossom Emmove Emasculate Embody Emotionalize Embace Embolden Emove Embale Emborder Empale Emball Embosom Empanel Embalm Emboss Emparadise Embank Embottle Empawn Embar Embow Empeach Embarge Embowel Empearl Embargo Embower Emperil Embark Embowl Emphasize Embarrass Embox Emphrensy Embase Embrace Emplead Embasement Embrangle Emplore Embastardize Embrew Employ Embathe Embright Emplunge Embattail Embrocate Empoison Embattle Embroider Empower Embay Embroil Emprint Embeam Embronze Emprise Embed Embrothel Emprison Embellish Embrowde Empte Embetter Embrown Empty Embezzle Embrue Empugn Embitter Embrute Empurple Emblanch Emburse Empuzzle Emblaze Emend Empyreumatize Emblazon Emendicate Emulate Emblem Emigrate Emule
Verbs That Start With En Enable Enchasten Engage Enact Enchest Engineer Enambush Enchisel Engross Enamel Encircle Enhance Enamor Enclasp Enjoin Enarch Enclave Enjoy Enbroude Encloister Enlighten Encage Enclose Enlist Encalendar Enclothe Enliven Encamp Encloud Enrapture Encanker Encoach Enrich Encarnalize Encode Ensure Encase Encoffin Enter Encave Encolden Entertain Enchain Encollar Enthral Enchannel Encourage Entice Enchant End Entrust Enchante Endear Enunciate Encharge Endorse Envy Enchase Endow
Verbs That Start With Es Escape Establish Escort Esteem Essay Estimate
Verbs That Start With Ev Verbs That Start With Ex Exact Excuse Expel Exaggerate Exercise Explain Examine Exhort Explode Exchange Exist Explore Excite Expand Expose Exclaim Expect Express